What is Padel?

Padel is a racquet sport that originated in Mexico in the 1960s. It is now widely played in Spain, Argentina, and other Latin American countries, as well as in Europe and Asia. Padel is similar to tennis, but it is played on a smaller court, typically about one-third the size of a tennis court. The court has a solid wall on all sides, which players can use to play shots. Padel is played in doubles, with each team having two players.

The Basic Rules of Padel

Padel has some basic rules that are similar to tennis. The server must serve the ball into the diagonal box on the opposite side of the court. The ball must bounce once on the ground before it is hit by the receiver. After the ball is returned, it can either bounce or be hit in the air. The ball can be played off the walls, but it must still land within the court boundaries. A point is scored when the opposing team fails to return the ball or hits it out of bounds.

Equipment Required for Padel

To get started with padel, you will need some basic equipment. The most important piece of equipment is the padel racket. Padel rackets are shorter and wider than tennis rackets, with a perforated surface. They are made of lightweight materials, such as carbon fiber or fiberglass. You will also need padel balls, which are similar to tennis balls but are slightly smaller and have less bounce. Padel shoes are also important, as they provide good traction on the court and help prevent injuries.

How to Grip the Padel Racket

The grip is an essential part of playing padel. A proper grip will help you generate more power and control in your shots. The most common grip for padel is the continental grip, which is similar to the grip used in tennis. To grip the padel racket with a continental grip, hold the racket with your non-dominant hand at the base of the handle, with your fingers pointing towards the butt of the racket. Then, place your dominant hand on the handle, with the base knuckle of your index finger on the third bevel of the handle.

The Forehand and Backhand Padel Shots

The forehand and backhand shots are the two most important shots in padel. The forehand is played on the dominant side of the body, while the backhand is played on the non-dominant side. To hit a forehand shot, position your body facing the net with your dominant foot slightly ahead of your non-dominant foot. Swing the racket back and then forward, making contact with the ball in front of your body. The backhand shot is similar, but you should position your non-dominant foot slightly ahead of your dominant foot. Swing the racket back and then forward, making contact with the ball on the non-dominant side of your body.

Serving in Padel

The serve is an important part of padel, as it starts each point. To serve in padel, stand behind the baseline with both feet behind the service line. Hold the ball in your non-dominant hand and toss it up in the air with a slight spin. Then, hit the ball with your racket as it comes down, aiming for the opposite diagonal box. The ball must bounce once on the ground before the receiver can hit it.

Basic Padel Strategies

Padel is a game of strategy, and there are several basic strategies that you can use to improve your game. One strategy is to hit the ball towards the corners of the court, as it will be harder for your opponents to return the ball. Another strategy is to use the walls to your advantage, hitting shots that bounce off the walls and are difficult for your opponents to reach. You should also try to vary the speed and direction of your shots to keep your opponents off-balance.

Tips for Improving Your Padel Game

There are several tips that can help you improve your padel game. First, practice your footwork and movement on the court, as good footwork is essential for making quick and efficient movements. Second, focus on your positioning, always moving towards the center of the court to be in the best position to return shots. Third, work on your reflexes and reaction time, as padel is a fast-paced sport that requires quick reactions. Finally, practice your shots and techniques regularly to improve your skills.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Padel

There are some common mistakes that beginners often make in padel. One mistake is hitting the ball too hard, which can cause it to go out of bounds. Another mistake is failing to use the walls effectively, as the walls can be a valuable tool for returning shots. Finally, beginners often fail to communicate effectively with their partner, which can lead to confusion and mistakes on the court.

Padel Fitness and Conditioning

Padel is a physically demanding sport, and it is important to be in good shape to play at a high level. You should focus on building strength and endurance, as well as improving your agility and balance. Cardiovascular exercises, such as running or cycling, can also help improve your fitness and endurance.

Padel Courts and Facilities

Padel courts are typically made of artificial grass or clay, and they are available at many sports facilities and clubs. You can also find public courts in some parks and recreational areas. Many facilities offer padel lessons and clinics for beginners, as well as organized leagues and tournaments for more experienced players.

Padel Competitions and Tournaments

Padel is a popular sport for competition, with many tournaments and leagues held throughout the year. There are national and international padel associations that organize tournaments and events, as well as local clubs and organizations that hold competitions for players of all levels.

Padel for Kids and Families

Padel is a great sport for kids and families, as it is easy to learn and can be enjoyed by players of all ages and skill levels. Many facilities offer special programs and lessons for kids, as well as family-friendly events and activities.

Padel and Injuries

Like any sport, padel carries a risk of injury. Common injuries in padel include sprains, strains, and bruises. To reduce the risk of injury, it is important to warm up properly before playing and to use the right equipment, such as proper shoes and protective gear. If you do experience an injury, seek medical attention and allow time for proper recovery before returning to the court.


Padel is a fun and exciting sport that is easy to learn and can be enjoyed by players of all ages and skill levels. By following these basic tips and techniques, you can improve your game and enjoy all the benefits that padel has to offer. Remember to practice regularly, communicate effectively with your partner, and stay safe on the court.


  1. Is padel similar to tennis?Yes, padel is similar to tennis, but it is played on a smaller court with a solid wall surrounding it.
  2. What equipment do I need to play padel?You will need a padel racket, padel balls, and padel shoes.
  3. Can kids play padel?Yes, padel is a great sport for kids and families.
  4. Are there padel tournaments and competitions?Yes, there are many padel tournaments and competitions held throughout the year, both nationally and internationally.
  5. What are some common mistakes to avoid in padel?Common mistakes include hitting the ball too hard, failing to use the walls effectively, and poor communication with your partner.

Get Access Now

We hope you found this beginner's guide to padel helpful in getting started with this exciting sport. If you're ready to take your game to the next level, consider signing up for lessons or joining a local club or league. To learn more about padel and to find a court near you, check out our padel club search page.

Final Words

Padel is a great sport that offers a fun and challenging workout. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, there's always room for improvement and growth in your game. With the right equipment, techniques, and strategies, you can become a skilled and successful padel player. So, get out there and start practicing, and enjoy all the excitement and thrills that padel has to offer!

May 14, 2023
Padel Essentials

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